Monday, December 15, 2008


Okay this is Aunt Ashton...I just had to share a little bit of news real quick...this is not by any means the main post for the day but...I just got to go in and see Zoey. While we (Mark and I) were in there he got to change her little diaper and I got to help. We also took her temperature. This helps the feeling of being an aunt sink in a little more. :) While Mark was changing her diaper, I was cupping her head with one hand and had my other hand over her little chest and arms. In the midst of him changing and me holding, Zoey grabbed my finger with her tiny little hand and that was almost enough to make Aunt Ashy break down. I did ,however, hold it together and did not succumb to the Ramsey gene in me. (that will only make sense to my family haha) I just had to share that fun news with everyone...Dad don't be jealous. :) Mark is getting to hold Zoey even as I type this, so we will have lots of fun pictures this afternoon!!! I am in the room with Macy and she is doing great. I wasn't going to post a picture but I have to post just one. They were doing quite a few things to her while we were in there and one of them was changing out the tube in her nose. They also took her feeding tube out of her mouth/tummy so there was a second there when she had nothing except her tape circles on her face!! So I snagged a picture during this rare second and thought everyone should see it. We have decided that she looks exactly like her daddy but has her momma's personality! Enjoy this pic of our beautiful baby!

Aunt Ash <><


  1. Thanks Aunt Ashy and yes Pop Pop is very jealous that you got to help with her. Great picture. She is definitely fiesty like her mommy. Thanks for sharing with us. We can hardly wait to see her. Love Dad

  2. Aunt Ashy, I think Zoey has caused many of us to aquired the Ramsey gene that runs in your family. Mark, Macy, and precious baby Zoey, you are on our minds an in our prayers constantly! The blog is a wonderful way to keep us informed as to prayer needs and of course a wonderful way to let us be a part of your lives. We love you guys! Toby and Karen

  3. Baby Zoey is as beautiful as her momma. I love this photo. Our God is so GREAT. We will continue prayers for this precious new life and family. Love Kim and Steve Bates

  4. Aunt Ashton, Thank you so much for the wonderful photos and also for creating this blog. What a wonderful way to stay informed! We just know that God is using precious Zoey and your family to witness to all. What an amazing story and a testimony of God's love. We will continue to pray for Mark, Macy and Zoey. We love you all!

    Kevin, Lisa, Ashley & Brandon Jones

  5. Hello to all, Please know we pray for you daily and will continue to do so. She is so beautiful, thanks for sharing her with us. Mark and Macy, you are already awesome parents!
    Love form all the Alpers
